
Year: 2017

How Long

ow does the length of an article’s title affect SEO? What is a good length? What isn’t? For example, Wikipedia can easily rank for single word titles, like gold. But many new websites can not. Considering this, what should be the...

Episode 7:

ame style=”border: none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5305885/height/50/width/640/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/no/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/backward/” height=”50″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> Today I interview Kelly Schwarze who is the author and producer of Alien Domicile which is out in Amazon right now. Kelly is an extremely talented creative thinker and...

Episode 6:

ame style=”border: none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5305873/height/50/width/640/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/no/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/backward/” height=”50″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> In this podcast episode I talk with Wesley Tingey who is the Social Media Expert over at Neonbrand. Wesley has been working there for about 5 years and handles...

Episode 5:

ame style=”border: none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5305871/height/50/width/640/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/no/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/backward/” height=”50″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> I talk with Owen Carver who is a fellow internet guru here in Las Vegas on this episode. Owen has built many many websites for me and my clients...

Episode 4:

ame style=”border: none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5305861/height/50/width/640/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/no/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/backward/” height=”50″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> In this episode Greg and I goof off a little bit and talk about things going on in the SEO world. We will be doing one of these per...

Episode 3:

ame style=”border: none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5305846/height/50/width/640/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/no/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/backward/” height=”50″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> It was my privilege to interview Jessie Humphries, the bestselling author of Killing Ruby Rose (available on Amazon). Jessie is a friend of mine and had a lot of...

Episode 2:

ame style=”border: none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5305728/height/50/width/640/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/no/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/backward/” height=”50″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> In this episode I talk with Laura Spawn who is the CEO of Virtual Vocations. As an important note, Laura is my sister and owns the company with my...

Episode 1:

ame style=”border: none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5305724/height/50/width/640/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/no/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/backward/” height=”50″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> This first episode is short and sweet as I introduce the podcast and talk about the purpose of it. My hope is that I will be able to deliver...