What can you learn about yourself by how you face enemies

Hello my friend,

This past week we had the once every 4 year election of our president. Out of curiosity I tuned in on the 5th at about 10pm and again at 5am to see if there was a result. I’m guessing you might have done a similar thing. The result I believe was a popular vote difference of about 5 – 10 million people (I may be off on that). That number if you look at the total number of votes is actually not very significant. In fact its the difference of one mid-sized city in an entire country.

At this point we have roughly half the country who have the candidate they voted for and the other half the candidate they did not vote for.

Now be honest.

When your candidate wins how does it make you feel?

I know I’m tempted to feel:

  • Right
  • Pride
  • Justified
  • Excited
  • Hopeful

On the other hand when my candidate loses I feel:

  • Upset
  • Wronged
  • Hurt
  • Confused
  • Angry

Why the massive disparagement? We live in a country where there is a free election for our leaders. We are able to cast our opinions in the form of a vote and based on the number of opinions we get a leader. Additionally there are sub-leaders who are elected the same way. In theory we should have a pretty good set-up just based on the intelligence of our countrymen and their ability to pick a leader.

Unfortunately that’s not how it feels

We don’t appreciate the process. In fact most everyone I know hates it. Every election year… yes the entire year, is filled with constant hate, insults, fear-mongering and despair. It controls most of the narrative and forces us to see it wherever we go.

On top of it all the info we have to absorb rarely has anything to do with policy or the election but is instead geared towards smearing one person or the other.

We are made to literally hate those who disagree with us, and publicly insult them on media platforms in the name of “right” and “truth”.

On this day Nov, 10th Donald Trump is the next President 47. You’ve got people who think he’s going to save the country. You’ve got people who say he’s going to doom us all.


Do we really believe it’s one or the other?

Are we that weak of a country that one person is either our saving grace or our downfall?

A lot of people truly believe so.

Normally something like electing a leader wouldn’t be so charged with emotion but when a lot of people tie their very existence to one person, it can quickly create enemies.

So how do you treat your enemies?

I’ve seen a lot of posts on X making fun of the crying losers this week. I also saw a lot of posts by these “crying losers” making fun of the stupid “Trumpers” who are going to be blindsided by Kamala a week ago.

It hasn’t been pleasant to watch.

What about you?

Are you the type who feels justified in forcing your thoughts, opinions and rage in some cases on others? All because you are right and they are wrong?

The word I’m looking for is “Dignity”

Do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Love one another.

Cast the mote out of your (enemies) eye after you get rid of the beam in your own.

I doubt any of these quotes are foreign to you. We know them, but we have a hard time living by them.

Our intent and goal should be to have dignity in all that we do. Be kind to others if we win. Be gracious if we lose. Love everyone, be kind and treat them the way we want to be treated. Above all be this way even when others deserve our wrath or anger.

You are the one who has to look in the mirror. You have to face yourself. Are you proud of how you treat others or ashamed?

Anyway these are my thoughts this week.

I truly hope we take a moment to be kind to everyone, most especially the apparent half of the country that is on the other side of our view.

Until next time.
