Raptor Digital Marketing is the Number One Las Vegas SEO company for the last 7 years and counting. Basically every company that offers SEO will claim this but there can be only one. Here is a screenshot of the search results for “Las Vegas SEO” on November 2, 2018:

You may notice there are two results for Raptor. The first is the Google Maps Listing and the second is the Organic Listing. Both require SEO and we currently rank number 1 for both.
We have been providing SEO services since 2004 and currently rank the highest in customer satisfaction in Las Vegas. We have hundreds of reviews with 43 that you can read in Google from actual clients that run their businesses right here in Las Vegas and Henderson.
So How Does SEO Work?
The question we get asked pretty often is how SEO works, and more importantly how it will work for you and your business. We like to break these down into two different questions for our customers so they can get the right understanding. First is “How Does SEO Work in General” and the second question is “How Will My Experience be Working With Raptor?“.
We want to break this down so that you can make a better choice when you pick an SEO company. If you don’t pick us, no big deal! We want you to be successful regardless of what SEO company you choose. If you do decide to work with us we want you to have a good understanding of how SEO works and also what your experience will be working with us.
How Does SEO Work in General?
OK so to answer the first question you have to first understand how search engines work. Search engines are just a huge computer that store website listings. There is no order to them in any way shape or form. Think of it like an old phone book but online. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing all try to show the best results to their users so that they can increase their customers and charge more for advertising. Again, basically the same as a phone book.
To show the best results so that users will keep using them, search engines use Algorithms to tell them the value of a website. The more valuable a website is based on the algorithm, the higher it will show up in Google.
Here is a visual representation of a very basic algorithm:

If you have any algebra experience this should look pretty simple to you. If not don’t worry just think of the letters as all representing a different ingredient of a pie. When you put them all together you get the end result.
Websites that have all the ingredients correct will show up high in search results. Those that have just some right and others wrong may still show up in search results but probably not high. Those that have it wrong may not show up at all.
So the answer to the question “How Does SEO Work in General?” is that it is simply making sure a website is following the algorithm that is set up in search engines so it will show up higher in search results. This of course is desirable since those websites that are at the top of search results usually get most of the customers.
OK so let’s move on to the next question which is:
How Will My Experience be Working With Raptor?
We have developed and use the same process over and over for each client. Why? Well simply put we have tried is a thousand ways and this one way seems to consistently produce results for our clients. Why try and fix something that isn’t broke right?
So the process is very simple actually. First we jump on a call with you to mainly just chat about your business. We want to know who your best clients are, your worst clients and your dream clients. During this call its really important for us to understand who it is you are trying to get in front of. After we know your target we can accurately do a bit of research.
During the research period we take a look at how many people are searching for what you do or offer and how hard it will be for your website to get to the top of search engines for those keywords. Lets go over an example:
Say you sell Pallet Rack in Las Vegas which does just happen to be one of our clients 🙂
After doing a bit of research we found the following keywords in the Google Adwords Keyword Planner:
Here is what the keyword planner looks like. You will notice we just used the city and main keyword as our search term:

And here are the results:

After then searching through manually each keyword in Google we decided to look further into the Las Vegas Pallet Racking keyword.
We noticed there are paid ads for this search result:

Which suggests some competition. We also found some map listings that also had a paid result in them:

Last of all we looked through the organic results:

Based on the company getting the most views we decided to look further at Highland Commercial and Source 4 Industries. Both have multiple listings and a decent presence. They have good SEO already on their sites so instead of trying to do things differently than them, we thought it would be wise to just learn from what works and do similar work ourselves.
We use many tools to research sites including MOZ and Ahrefs. These tools tell us what the owners of the sites are doing, or what their SEO companies are doing to rank better. When you look at Highland Commercial they have this profile on ahrefs:

Seeing that they have decent rankings with 17 referring domains, 52 backlinks and 94 organic keywords, we can get a pretty good guess of how long it will take us to rank our site and with how much work. To match the same amount of work, we will have to get links from 20 individual sites that each link into us at least twice. We will also target ten keywords so that we can show up for 90+ keywords total.
For something like this we would go after about 5 new sites per month, and expect to rank in about 6 months for this keyword. The cost would depend on how hard it is to get links.
There are some other factors but this is the main process we go through when setting up a new client. It isn’t always perfect and we always ask for some extra time since we don’t know how long search engines will take to rank your site, or if there is another factor that could make it harder to rank.
More About Us
We are developers Las Vegas SEO experts. We create websites and then handle the optimization on them to make sure they show up well in search engines. Businesses pay us to build them custom websites and get them in front of buyers for their product using Las Vegas SEO. We like to keep things simple since programming itself is actually quite difficult. Web development and SEO are the only things we handle at this point, but we are still happy to talk and get you in contact with someone else if we aren’t a good fit for your company.
Joseph Stevenson the CEO of Raptor Digital Marketing was raised in Golden Valley Arizona. It is about 2 hours outside Las Vegas. Joseph’s parents moved him and his siblings to the Golden Valley area when he was about 2 years old due to an unexplained illnesses that couldn’t be cured in Washington State. Joseph’s parents knew it had something to do with humidity and mold so they moved his family to one of the driest places they could think of. Golden Valley doesn’t have a middle or high school and so Joseph’s parents decided to homeschool him instead of bussing him into Kingman which was a half hour ride each way. Part of his curriculum included working on computers using GW Basic and other basic programming languages. When Joseph was about 12 years old he wrote my first program which was a basic calculator.
Joseph has continued to build our Las Vegas SEO team based on the same principles he learned as a kid of hard work and dedication to projects. It is this outlook that has helped Raptor Websites become one of the largest SEO companies in Southern Nevada.
As Joseph learned more about programming his skills advanced to writing games and other programs. His first game was a story game that asked the user to do certain functions based on events the game played out. Joseph also spent a lot of time playing in command prompt looking for secret codes and games hidden deep in the computer’s directory. As time went on Joseph increased his skills to web interfaces by programming myspace pages for friends and other apps. Joseph took a break from programming for a few years only to return back to it when he was in my early twenties. During this time Joseph ran multiple affiliate websites making money from ad revenue and affiliate marketing offers.
While running his websites Joseph had multiple requests from friends to build them websites and market them. Joseph built his first website for a client in 2007 years after beginning his programming career building websites for himself. Raptor Digital Marketing (a Las Vegas SEO Firm) was started shortly after this first site was built. Although it had a different name at the time. Two of Joseph’s older brothers also work in technology, one at BP and the other at Adobe. This family tradition helped Joseph to nurture his creative side and begin building websites. Now competing with other Las Vegas SEO companies, Joseph strives to keep to the basics by doing high-quality work for every client that we work with.
1000 S Valley View Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89107
(702) 907-0095
Out of all the Las Vegas SEO Companies we try very hard to make sure we earn your business. Other Las Vegas SEO companies are looking to make a quick buck by luring you into paying them a monthly rate for usually at least a one-year contract. Once you sign they usually will outsource the work to a much cheaper company so they can become the middle-man. We have even had these Las Vegas SEO companies contact us to be their grunt men and make them look good.
Most of the other Las Vegas SEO companies will claim to be the best and we can’t blame them since we technically do the same thing. The best way, however, is to test their SEO work itself and if it holds up then they probably hold water as a company. If they have a lot of satisfied clients and beautiful websites then you are probably safe. We are definitely not wanting to claim that out of all the SEO companies we are the only one that is good. Instead, we hope that we will earn your business and trust by admitting that we are one of the companies that will do a great job for you.
SEO Companies often focus on getting through your website as fast as possible. They build a bunch of links and write some blog posts telling you that is all you need. We prefer to take our time to do it right the first time. You don’t always get a bulk amount of SEO done but you definitely get high-quality SEO done by an expert. A good SEO company will work hard to make sure you actually get something for your money, which is ranking. Here is our process for getting a website ranked number 1 in major search engines:
1. First we focus on getting your site to a point where it deserves to rank. We are not in the Las Vegas SEO game to trick Google into ranking you so if that is your deal then don’t bother contacting us. Instead, we will look through your content to make sure it actually deserves to be at the top. If it doesn’t then we’ll help you re-write it into a more qualified piece.
2. After your site is in a good spot, we then focus on creating new content for the web. This is time-consuming but imperative to your SEO success. Basically, we create new blog posts, social media, press releases and more to post on and off of your website.
Once the high-quality content is written, approved by you and posted on your site, it then gets picked up all over the web.
Depending on the quality of the content your site could get multiple mentions, backlinks, and other well-deserved attention. This attention then translates into good SEO juice as we call it for your website.
3. Rinse and repeat. Consistently doing this will help your site rank well over time in search engines. Anyone who does it differently is just playing you and hoping to play google. A good Las Vegas SEO company won’t try this and will stick with tried and true methods to get you ranked well.
We do SEO in Las Vegas and have been marketing websites through SEO for about twelve years with great results. If you found this page without a referral from someone you know personally, chances are it was because of the SEO work we do. SEO is the process of getting a website ranked higher in the search engines.
It takes a lot of hard work and good clean coding to get a website ranked higher which makes our jobs very difficult but very rewarding. Out of all the SEO, companies, Raptor Digital Marketing and SEO Consulting is the premier company in the Las Vegas area specializing in SEO.
We are available Monday – Friday 9AM to 5PM to answer your questions. Please call us and we’ll be happy to discuss your project with you.