
Little Book Keyword Research Ch6

ong>Resources for Chapter 6

Please read below to find the end of chapter resources from The Little Book on Digital Marketing (Keyword Research). Comment below with any relevant experiences or additional citations that would be useful to other readers. Please no spam.

End of Chapter Challenge


This chapter challenge isn’t meant to discourage you, but should give you some perspective. Understanding the challenge is the first step to overcoming it.


Choose a short tail keyword with over 100,000 searches per month using the

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer [7].


Keyword __________________________________


Research the top websites ranking for this

keyword in Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Below, write below the data you find on each one.


If you are unsure where to find the data, use questions from a Google search to find the data. Example: “How old is this website.com?”


Domain 1 _________________________________

Age of domain ____________________________

Page Authority _____ Domain Authority ____


Domain 2 _________________________________

Age of domain _____________________________

Page Authority _____ Domain Authority ____


Domain 3 _________________________________

Age of domain ____________________________

Page Authority _____ Domain Authority ____


Now do the same analysis for your own domain and compare with each of your answers.

Your domain ______________________________

Age of domain _____________________________

Page Authority _____ Domain Authority ____


What did you find? If your domain is new, most likely the differences are very stark. If you have a domain that is well aged with high traffic, you may be very competitive.


Next, determine what it will take for you to compete with your competitors for the short tail keyword you targeted.


Use Adwords [8] to research the CPC for the short tail keyword you’re targeting. Usually you can expect a 5% click-through for a well-optimized campaign. Multiply .70% of the CPC times .05% of the keyword volume to find the budget.


Budget for Advertising _____________________


Multiply the number of years by $10,000 to find the SEO budget needed to make up the gap between authority and the age of the domain.


Difference in Age Domain Years ____________

Based on those numbers you should have a very broad idea of what it will take to be initially competitive for that specific short tail keyword.

There are other factors you can include such as press, guest blogging, offline marketing, and more,that can allow you to reach more of the audience. For our purposes, we will just measure the age and budget of CPC on Adwords to determine the feasibility of ranking for this keyword.




[1] Raven Tools, What are Short Tail Keywords?, https://raventools.com/marketing-glossary/short-tail-keywords/


[2] Incredible Egg, http://www.incredibleegg.org/egg-nutrition/


[3] SEO Pressor, Short Tail or Long Tail http://seopressor.com/blog/short-tail-or-long-tail-keywords/


[4] Nikhil Ganotra, Ranking for Short Tail Keywords https://www.universalbloggingtips.com/rank-short-tail-keywords/

[5] Flippa, The entrepreneurs marketplace, http://flippa.com


[6] Godaddy Auctions, http://auctions.godaddy.com


[7] ahrefs Keyword Explorer, https://ahrefs.com/keywords-explorer


[8] adwords, Keyword Planner http://adwords.google.com